Example ======= dnsmasq::config { 'mio': dhcp_authoritative => 'yes', dhcp_range => ',,,2h', dhcp_gw => '', dhcp_nameservers => '', read_ethers => 'yes', domain => 'mon.domaine.exemple.com', dhcp_boot => '/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0,tftphostname,', tftp_root => '/ltsp/i386/', log_queries => 'yes', log_dhcp => 'yes' } Notes ======== * to desactivate any parameter replace the value by 'absent' * We've a cool script that generate the hostname base on the mac address of the host, requesting a ip. The generate name looks like this PC001d60dec327 This is very useful when installing new hosts with the automated Debian preseed method.