[80] | 1 | /* All code copyright 2007 Taras Mankovski */ |
| 2 | /* email: tarasm@gmail.com */ |
| 3 | /* website: http://www.oscandy.com/author/taras */ |
| 4 | |
| 5 | // This class adds lightbox functionality to smoothgallery |
| 6 | gallery = gallery.extend({ |
| 7 | initialize: function(element, options) { |
| 8 | this.parent(element, options); |
| 9 | this.addEvent('onPopulated', this.makeLink.bind(this)); |
| 10 | if (options.lightbox) this.lightbox = new lightboxforsmoothgallery(this.galleryData, {}); |
| 11 | }, |
| 12 | populateData: function() { |
| 13 | currentArrayPlace = this.galleryData.length; |
| 14 | options = this.options; |
| 15 | data = this.galleryData; |
| 16 | this.galleryElement.getElements(options.elementSelector).each(function(el) { |
| 17 | elementDict = { |
| 18 | imagepath: el.getElement(options.linkSelector).getProperty('href'), |
| 19 | image: el.getElement(options.imageSelector).getProperty('src'), |
| 20 | number: currentArrayPlace |
| 21 | }; |
| 22 | if ((options.showInfopane) | (options.showCarousel)) |
| 23 | Object.extend(elementDict, { |
| 24 | title: el.getElement(options.titleSelector).innerHTML, |
| 25 | description: el.getElement(options.subtitleSelector).innerHTML |
| 26 | }); |
| 27 | if (options.embedLinks) |
| 28 | Object.extend(elementDict, { |
| 29 | link: el.getElement(options.linkSelector).href||false, |
| 30 | linkTitle: el.getElement(options.linkSelector).title||false |
| 31 | }); |
| 32 | if ((!options.useThumbGenerator) && (options.showCarousel)) |
| 33 | Object.extend(elementDict, { |
| 34 | thumbnail: el.getElement(options.thumbnailSelector).src |
| 35 | }); |
| 36 | else if (options.useThumbGenerator) |
| 37 | Object.extend(elementDict, { |
| 38 | thumbnail: 'resizer.php?imgfile=' + elementDict.image + '&max_width=' + options.thumbWidth + '&max_height=' + options.thumbHeight |
| 39 | }); |
| 40 | |
| 41 | data[currentArrayPlace] = elementDict; |
| 42 | currentArrayPlace++; |
| 43 | if (this.options.destroyAfterPopulate) |
| 44 | el.remove(); |
| 45 | }); |
| 46 | this.galleryData = data; |
| 47 | this.fireEvent('onPopulated'); |
| 48 | }, |
| 49 | makeLink: function (num) { |
| 50 | this.currentLink.setProperties({ |
| 51 | href: this.galleryData[num].link, |
| 52 | title: this.galleryData[num].linkTitle |
| 53 | }) |
| 54 | if (options.lightbox) this.currentLink.onclick = this.lightbox.open.pass(num, this.lightbox); |
| 55 | if (!((this.options.embedLinks) && (!this.options.showArrows) && (!this.options.showCarousel))) |
| 56 | this.currentLink.setStyle('display', 'block'); |
| 57 | } |
| 58 | }); |
| 59 | |
| 60 | /* |
| 61 | Slimbox v1.22 - The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone |
| 62 | by Christophe Beyls (http://www.digitalia.be) - MIT-style license. |
| 63 | Inspired by the original Lightbox v2 by Lokesh Dhakar. |
| 64 | */ |
| 65 | |
| 66 | var Lightbox = new Class({ |
| 67 | |
| 68 | initialize: function(options) { |
| 69 | this.options = Object.extend({ |
| 70 | resizeDuration: 400, // Duration of height and width resizing (ms) |
| 71 | initialWidth: 250, // Initial width of the box (px) |
| 72 | initialHeight: 250, // Initial height of the box (px) |
| 73 | animateCaption: true // Enable/Disable caption animation |
| 74 | }, options || {}); |
| 75 | this.anchors = []; |
| 76 | $A(document.getElementsByTagName('a')).each(function(el){ |
| 77 | if(el.rel && el.href && el.rel.test('^lightbox', 'i')) { |
| 78 | el.onclick = this.click.pass(el, this); |
| 79 | this.anchors.push(el); |
| 80 | } |
| 81 | }, this); |
| 82 | |
| 83 | this.eventKeyDown = this.keyboardListener.bindAsEventListener(this); |
| 84 | this.eventPosition = this.position.bind(this); |
| 85 | |
| 86 | this.buildbox(); |
| 87 | |
| 88 | var nextEffect = this.nextEffect.bind(this); |
| 89 | this.fx = { |
| 90 | overlay: this.overlay.effect('opacity', { duration: 500 }).hide(), |
| 91 | resize: this.center.effects({ duration: this.options.resizeDuration, onComplete: nextEffect }), |
| 92 | image: this.image.effect('opacity', { duration: 500, onComplete: nextEffect }), |
| 93 | bottom: this.bottom.effects({ duration: 400, onComplete: nextEffect }) |
| 94 | }; |
| 95 | |
| 96 | this.preloadPrev = new Image(); |
| 97 | this.preloadNext = new Image(); |
| 98 | }, |
| 99 | buildbox : function () { |
| 100 | this.overlay = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbOverlay').injectInside(document.body); |
| 101 | this.center = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbCenter').setStyles({width: this.options.initialWidth+'px', height: this.options.initialHeight+'px', marginLeft: '-'+(this.options.initialWidth/2)+'px', display: 'none'}).injectInside(document.body); |
| 102 | this.image = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbImage').injectInside(this.center); |
| 103 | this.prevLink = new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbPrevLink', href: '#'}).setStyle('display', 'none').injectInside(this.image); |
| 104 | this.nextLink = this.prevLink.clone().setProperty('id', 'lbNextLink').injectInside(this.image); |
| 105 | this.prevLink.onclick = this.previous.bind(this); |
| 106 | this.nextLink.onclick = this.next.bind(this); |
| 107 | |
| 108 | this.bottom = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbBottom').setStyle('display', 'none').injectInside(document.body); |
| 109 | new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbCloseLink', href: '#'}).injectInside(this.bottom).onclick = this.overlay.onclick = this.close.bind(this); |
| 110 | this.number = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbNumber').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 111 | this.caption = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbCaption').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 112 | new Element('div').setStyle('clear', 'both').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 113 | }, |
| 114 | click: function(link) { |
| 115 | if(link.rel.length == 8) { |
| 116 | return this.show(link.href, link.title); |
| 117 | } |
| 118 | var j, imageNum, images = []; |
| 119 | this.anchors.each(function(el){ |
| 120 | if(el.rel == link.rel) { |
| 121 | for(j = 0; j < images.length; j++) |
| 122 | if(images[j][0] == el.href) break; |
| 123 | if(j == images.length) { |
| 124 | images.push([el.href, el.title]); |
| 125 | if(el.href == link.href) imageNum = j; |
| 126 | } |
| 127 | } |
| 128 | }, this); |
| 129 | return this.open(images, imageNum); |
| 130 | }, |
| 131 | |
| 132 | show: function(url, title) { |
| 133 | return this.open([[url, title]], 0); |
| 134 | }, |
| 135 | |
| 136 | open: function(images, imageNum) { |
| 137 | this.images = images; |
| 138 | this.position(); |
| 139 | this.setup(true); |
| 140 | this.top = Window.getScrollTop() + (Window.getHeight() / 15); |
| 141 | this.center.setStyles({top: this.top+'px', display: ''}); |
| 142 | this.fx.overlay.custom(0.8); |
| 143 | return this.changeImage(imageNum); |
| 144 | }, |
| 145 | |
| 146 | position: function() { |
| 147 | this.overlay.setStyles({top: Window.getScrollTop()+'px', height: Window.getHeight()+'px'}); |
| 148 | }, |
| 149 | |
| 150 | setup: function(open) { |
| 151 | var elements = $A(document.getElementsByTagName('object')); |
| 152 | elements.extend(document.getElementsByTagName(window.ActiveXObject ? 'select' : 'embed')); |
| 153 | elements.each(function(el){ el.style.visibility = open ? 'hidden' : ''; }); |
| 154 | var fn = open ? 'addEvent' : 'removeEvent'; |
| 155 | window[fn]('scroll', this.eventPosition)[fn]('resize', this.eventPosition); |
| 156 | document[fn]('keydown', this.eventKeyDown); |
| 157 | this.step = 0; |
| 158 | }, |
| 159 | |
| 160 | keyboardListener: function(event) { |
| 161 | switch(event.keyCode) { |
| 162 | case 27: case 88: case 67: this.close(); break; |
| 163 | case 37: case 80: this.previous(); break; |
| 164 | case 39: case 78: this.next(); |
| 165 | } |
| 166 | }, |
| 167 | |
| 168 | previous: function() { |
| 169 | return this.changeImage(this.activeImage-1); |
| 170 | }, |
| 171 | |
| 172 | next: function() { |
| 173 | return this.changeImage(this.activeImage+1); |
| 174 | }, |
| 175 | |
| 176 | changeImage: function(imageNum) { |
| 177 | if(this.step || (imageNum < 0) || (imageNum >= this.images.length)) return false; |
| 178 | this.step = 1; |
| 179 | this.activeImage = imageNum; |
| 180 | |
| 181 | this.prevLink.style.display = this.nextLink.style.display = 'none'; |
| 182 | this.bottom.setStyles({opacity: '0', height: '0px', display: 'none'}); |
| 183 | this.fx.image.hide(); |
| 184 | this.center.className = 'lbLoading'; |
| 185 | |
| 186 | this.preload = new Image(); |
| 187 | this.preload.onload = this.nextEffect.bind(this); |
| 188 | this.preload.src = this.images[imageNum][0]; |
| 189 | return false; |
| 190 | }, |
| 191 | |
| 192 | nextEffect: function() { |
| 193 | switch(this.step++) { |
| 194 | case 1: |
| 195 | this.center.className = ''; |
| 196 | this.image.setStyles({backgroundImage: 'url('+this.images[this.activeImage][0]+')', width: this.preload.width+'px'}); |
| 197 | this.image.style.height = this.prevLink.style.height = this.nextLink.style.height = this.preload.height+'px'; |
| 198 | |
| 199 | this.caption.setHTML(this.images[this.activeImage][1] || ''); |
| 200 | this.number.setHTML((this.images.length == 1) ? '' : 'Image '+(this.activeImage+1)+' of '+this.images.length); |
| 201 | |
| 202 | if(this.activeImage != 0) this.preloadPrev.src = this.images[this.activeImage - 1][0]; |
| 203 | if(this.activeImage != (this.images.length - 1)) this.preloadNext.src = this.images[this.activeImage + 1][0]; |
| 204 | if(this.center.clientHeight != this.image.offsetHeight+20) { |
| 205 | this.fx.resize.custom({height: [this.center.clientHeight, this.image.offsetHeight]}); |
| 206 | break; |
| 207 | } |
| 208 | this.step++; |
| 209 | case 2: |
| 210 | if(this.center.clientWidth != this.image.offsetWidth+20) { |
| 211 | this.fx.resize.custom({width: [this.center.clientWidth, this.image.offsetWidth], marginLeft: [-this.center.clientWidth/2, -this.image.offsetWidth/2]}); |
| 212 | break; |
| 213 | } |
| 214 | this.step++; |
| 215 | case 3: |
| 216 | this.bottom.setStyles({top: (this.top + this.center.clientHeight)+'px', width: this.image.style.width, marginLeft: this.center.style.marginLeft, display: ''}); |
| 217 | this.fx.image.custom(0, 1); |
| 218 | break; |
| 219 | case 4: |
| 220 | if(this.options.animateCaption) { |
| 221 | this.fx.bottom.custom({opacity: [0, 1], height: [0, this.bottom.scrollHeight]}); |
| 222 | break; |
| 223 | } |
| 224 | this.bottom.setStyles({opacity: '1', height: this.bottom.scrollHeight+'px'}); |
| 225 | case 5: |
| 226 | if(this.activeImage != 0) this.prevLink.style.display = ''; |
| 227 | if(this.activeImage != (this.images.length - 1)) this.nextLink.style.display = ''; |
| 228 | this.step = 0; |
| 229 | } |
| 230 | }, |
| 231 | |
| 232 | close: function() { |
| 233 | if(this.step < 0) return; |
| 234 | this.step = -1; |
| 235 | if(this.preload) { |
| 236 | this.preload.onload = Class.empty; |
| 237 | this.preload = null; |
| 238 | } |
| 239 | for(var f in this.fx) this.fx[f].clearTimer(); |
| 240 | this.center.style.display = this.bottom.style.display = 'none'; |
| 241 | this.fx.overlay.chain(this.setup.pass(false, this)).custom(0); |
| 242 | return false; |
| 243 | } |
| 244 | }); |
| 245 | |
| 246 | /* All code copyright 2007 Taras Mankovski */ |
| 247 | /* email: tarasm@gmail.com */ |
| 248 | /* website: http://www.oscandy.com/author/taras */ |
| 249 | |
| 250 | // This class extends lightbox class and makes the lightbox compatible with smoothgallery |
| 251 | var lightboxforsmoothgallery = Lightbox.extend({ |
| 252 | initialize: function(galleryData, options) { |
| 253 | this.options = Object.extend({ |
| 254 | resizeDuration: 400, // Duration of height and width resizing (ms) |
| 255 | initialWidth: 250, // Initial width of the box (px) |
| 256 | initialHeight: 250, // Initial height of the box (px) |
| 257 | animateCaption: true // Enable/Disable caption animation |
| 258 | }, options || {}); |
| 259 | |
| 260 | this.images = galleryData; |
| 261 | |
| 262 | this.eventKeyDown = this.keyboardListener.bindAsEventListener(this); |
| 263 | this.eventPosition = this.position.bind(this); |
| 264 | |
| 265 | this.overlay = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbOverlay').injectInside(document.body); |
| 266 | |
| 267 | this.center = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbCenter').setStyles({width: this.options.initialWidth+'px', height: this.options.initialHeight+'px', marginLeft: '-'+(this.options.initialWidth/2)+'px', display: 'none'}).injectInside(document.body); |
| 268 | this.image = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbImage').injectInside(this.center); |
| 269 | this.prevLink = new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbPrevLink', href: '#'}).setStyle('display', 'none').injectInside(this.image); |
| 270 | this.nextLink = this.prevLink.clone().setProperty('id', 'lbNextLink').injectInside(this.image); |
| 271 | this.prevLink.onclick = this.previous.bind(this); |
| 272 | this.nextLink.onclick = this.next.bind(this); |
| 273 | |
| 274 | this.bottom = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbBottom').setStyle('display', 'none').injectInside(document.body); |
| 275 | this.close = new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbCloseLink', href: '#'}).injectInside(this.bottom).onclick = this.overlay.onclick = this.close.bind(this); |
| 276 | this.number = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbNumber').addClass('gallery').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 277 | this.description = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbDescription').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 278 | this.title = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbTitle').injectInside(this.description); |
| 279 | new Element('div').setStyle('clear', 'both').injectInside(this.description); |
| 280 | this.caption = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbCaption').injectInside(this.description); |
| 281 | new Element('div').setStyle('clear', 'both').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 282 | |
| 283 | var nextEffect = this.nextEffect.bind(this); |
| 284 | this.fx = { |
| 285 | overlay: this.overlay.effect('opacity', { duration: 500 }).hide(), |
| 286 | resize: this.center.effects({ duration: this.options.resizeDuration, onComplete: nextEffect }), |
| 287 | image: this.image.effect('opacity', { duration: 500, onComplete: nextEffect }), |
| 288 | bottom: this.bottom.effects({ duration: 400, onComplete: nextEffect }) |
| 289 | }; |
| 290 | |
| 291 | this.preloadPrev = new Image(); |
| 292 | this.preloadNext = new Image(); |
| 293 | |
| 294 | this.open.bind(this); |
| 295 | this.changeImage.bind(this); |
| 296 | }, |
| 297 | buildbox : function () { |
| 298 | this.overlay = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbOverlay').injectInside(document.body); |
| 299 | this.center = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbCenter').setStyles({width: this.options.initialWidth+'px', height: this.options.initialHeight+'px', marginLeft: '-'+(this.options.initialWidth/2)+'px', display: 'none'}).injectInside(document.body); |
| 300 | this.image = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbImage').injectInside(this.center); |
| 301 | this.prevLink = new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbPrevLink', href: '#'}).setStyle('display', 'none').injectInside(this.image); |
| 302 | this.nextLink = this.prevLink.clone().setProperty('id', 'lbNextLink').injectInside(this.image); |
| 303 | this.prevLink.onclick = this.previous.bind(this); |
| 304 | this.nextLink.onclick = this.next.bind(this); |
| 305 | |
| 306 | this.bottom = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbBottom').setStyle('display', 'none').injectInside(document.body); |
| 307 | new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbCloseLink', href: '#'}).injectInside(this.bottom).onclick = this.overlay.onclick = this.close.bind(this); |
| 308 | new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbDescription').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 309 | this.number = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbNumber').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 310 | this.title = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbTitle').injectInside(this.description); |
| 311 | this.caption = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbCaption').injectInside(this.description); |
| 312 | new Element('div').setStyle('clear', 'both').injectInside(this.bottom); |
| 313 | }, |
| 314 | open: function(num) { |
| 315 | this.position(); |
| 316 | this.setup(true); |
| 317 | this.top = Window.getScrollTop() + (Window.getHeight() / 15); |
| 318 | this.center.setStyles({top: this.top+'px', display: ''}); |
| 319 | this.fx.overlay.custom(0.8); |
| 320 | return this.changeImage(num); |
| 321 | }, |
| 322 | changeImage: function(num) { |
| 323 | if(this.step || (num < 0) || (num >= this.images.length)) return false; |
| 324 | this.step = 1; |
| 325 | this.activeImage = num; |
| 326 | |
| 327 | this.prevLink.style.display = this.nextLink.style.display = 'none'; |
| 328 | this.bottom.setStyles({opacity: '0', height: '0px', display: 'none'}); |
| 329 | this.fx.image.hide(); |
| 330 | this.center.className = 'lbLoading'; |
| 331 | |
| 332 | this.preload = new Image(); |
| 333 | this.preload.onload = this.nextEffect.bind(this); |
| 334 | this.preload.src = this.images[num].imagepath; |
| 335 | return false; |
| 336 | }, |
| 337 | nextEffect: function() { |
| 338 | switch(this.step++) { |
| 339 | case 1: |
| 340 | this.center.className = ''; |
| 341 | this.image.setStyles({backgroundImage: 'url('+this.images[this.activeImage].imagepath+')', width: this.preload.width+'px'}); |
| 342 | this.image.style.height = this.prevLink.style.height = this.nextLink.style.height = this.preload.height+'px'; |
| 343 | |
| 344 | this.title.setHTML(this.images[this.activeImage].title || ''); |
| 345 | this.caption.setHTML(this.images[this.activeImage].description || ''); |
| 346 | this.number.setHTML((this.images.length == 1) ? '' : 'Image '+(this.activeImage+1)+' of '+this.images.length); |
| 347 | |
| 348 | if(this.activeImage != 0) this.preloadPrev.src = this.images[this.activeImage - 1].imagepath; |
| 349 | if(this.activeImage != (this.images.length - 1)) this.preloadNext.src = this.images[this.activeImage + 1].imagepath; |
| 350 | if(this.center.clientHeight != this.image.offsetHeight+20) { |
| 351 | this.fx.resize.custom({height: [this.center.clientHeight, this.image.offsetHeight]}); |
| 352 | break; |
| 353 | } |
| 354 | this.step++; |
| 355 | case 2: |
| 356 | if(this.center.clientWidth != this.image.offsetWidth+20) { |
| 357 | this.fx.resize.custom({width: [this.center.clientWidth, this.image.offsetWidth], marginLeft: [-this.center.clientWidth/2, -this.image.offsetWidth/2]}); |
| 358 | break; |
| 359 | } |
| 360 | this.step++; |
| 361 | case 3: |
| 362 | this.bottom.setStyles({top: (this.top + this.center.clientHeight)+'px', width: this.image.style.width, marginLeft: this.center.style.marginLeft, display: ''}); |
| 363 | this.fx.image.custom(0, 1); |
| 364 | break; |
| 365 | case 4: |
| 366 | if(this.options.animateCaption) { |
| 367 | this.fx.bottom.custom({opacity: [0, 1], height: [0, this.bottom.scrollHeight]}); |
| 368 | break; |
| 369 | } |
| 370 | this.bottom.setStyles({opacity: '1', height: this.bottom.scrollHeight+'px'}); |
| 371 | case 5: |
| 372 | if(this.activeImage != 0) this.prevLink.style.display = ''; |
| 373 | if(this.activeImage != (this.images.length - 1)) this.nextLink.style.display = ''; |
| 374 | this.step = 0; |
| 375 | } |
| 376 | } |
| 377 | }); |