class estacion-de-trabajo { ## lo basico package { [ "ubuntu-desktop", "ubuntu-restricted-extras", "cups" ]: ensure => installed } ## utile ## package { [ 'gconf2', 'locales', 'screen', 'less', 'vim' ]: ensure => installed, } ## security package { [ "libnss3-tools" ]: ensure => installed } ## correo electronico package { [ "thunderbird", "thunderbird-gnome-support" ]: ensure => installed } ## grafico package { [ "inkscape" ]: ensure => installed } ## IM package { [ "amsn" ]: ensure => installed } ## juegos package { [ "tuxtype" ]: ensure => installed } ## cups (browse) - to see other printers line { cupsbrowseoff: file => "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf", line => 'Browsing Off', ensure => absent, require => Package["cups"] } line { cupsbrowseon: file => "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf", line => 'Browsing On', ensure => present, require => Package["cups"] } ## TODO: restart cups after a change of config # service { # "cups": # enable => true, # ensure => running, # # not sure if i'm correct with the last statement... about line. # subscribe => [ Package["cups"], line["cupsbrowseon"] ], # } # question de creer le repertoire avant de faire le checkout file { ["/dist", "/dist/svn-redcta"]: ensure => directory, owner => root, group => root } include estacion-de-trabajo::gnome-desktop::xp include estacion-de-trabajo::thunderbird::extensions # define create::symblink ( $target, $linkname ) { # exec { "createsymblink": # command => "ln -s $target $linkname", # path => "/bin", # creates => "$linkname", # } #} } class estacion-de-trabajo::gnome-desktop::xp { svn::checkout { gnome-theme-xp: repository => "", local_path => "/dist/svn-redcta", local_name => "gnome-theme-xp", } file { "/dist/svn-redcta/gnome-theme-xp/": ensure => "present", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "755" } exec { "/dist/svn-redcta/gnome-theme-xp/": refreshonly => true, subscribe => File["/dist/svn-redcta/gnome-theme-xp/"], } } -> /dist/svn-redcta/thunderbid-extension//funambol #root@walsh:/usr/lib/thunderbird/extensions# class estacion-de-trabajo::thunderbird::extensions { svn::checkout { thunderbird-extension: repository => "", local_path => "/dist/svn-redcta", local_name => "thunderbid-extensions" } create::symblink { link-thunderbird-extension: target => "/dist/svn-redcta/thunderbid-extensions/agregados/sources/isp/example-isp.rdf", linkname => "/usr/share/thunderbird/isp/example-isp.rdf", } }